Secrets to spend quality time with your kids in a busy life

Spend time with kids

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Here I am spilling secrets to spend quality time with kids in a busy life. Juggling many responsibilities is not easy, you need to manage work, run a household, take care of people dependent on us, ensure all work is done, and but one place where we cannot afford to go wrong is the way we raise and nurture our kids. I bet we all want to do our best job as parents and just not do anything wrong but we are busy juggling many roles and feel guilty of not doing our best.

In this post, I’m sharing  tips on: 

How to find time to spend with your kids even when you are busy  

Tips to spend quality time with your kids even when you are busy

Let’s start.

Tips to bond with kids in busy life

Why Busy parents need to spend time with kids

As parents, we work to provide the best for our children. But with an overwhelming amount of work to take care of throughout the day and the pressure to meet the deadlines at work, most often parents end up spending less time with kids and ignoring their needs

The situation gets even more difficult with working couples as both the parents would be at work.

With busy parents, kids are found to be missing some basic needs:

  • As per a study, it is found that busy parents would not find sufficient time to talk to their kid’s caregiver on nutrition. Also, parents offer unhealthy food to their kids.
  • It is important to remember that, parents’ involvement contributes greatly to children’s adaptive skills and hence it is necessary for parents to make time for their kids to dispute their busy life.
  • It is common for fathers to think that mothers are taking care of the kids and so they can step back and tend to get busier with work, but studies have also shown that fathers influence a child’s physical and mental health.
  • The environment created for kids based on the working status of the parents affects their development in many ways, as parents we need to take more care to make kids feel that parents are always approachable.

How to make time to spend with kids in busy life?

  • Be strict with your work hour and unless an urgency, do not bring work at home.
  • Build a morning and evening routine that suites best to you, the chores at home, and your family’s schedule and needs
  • Plan your days in advance so that you don’t miss on things to be done and make time to spend together
  • Use the weekend to do meal prep and other household chores to find more time on weekdays
  • Batch your work where possible to get more done and save time.
  • Share work as parents so that both can make time for kids.

It is more important and effective to spend quality time even though less compared to hours of time spend meaningless.

Best Tips to spend quality time with your kids in a busy life

Here are some ways to help bond with your kid even though you are busy with work.

Tips to spend quality time with kids

1. Small talks while working

Use the time when you are at home and doing some simple household chores like folding laundry, cutting vegetables to bond with your kids. Talk to them about how their day was, what new they did today, how they feel about things. You can involve them also in small work to make them feel valued and teach them to do simple chores.

2. Leave a sweet note with lunch box

When kids are at school and daycare put a small note along with the lunch with simple warm words like, “Mom & Dad loves you” or some affirmations like “you are gonna do great today”, “You are special. Even though you are not present with them it will make them feel together and build a bond.

kid eating lunch

3. Plan fun activities over the weekend

During the weekend plan for some exciting things to do over the weekend at talking about it with them, take their suggestions about it. It will not only make sure you have a fun weekend but will also make it easiest for the kids to pass through the weekdays when their parents are working and are less available. 

4. Make bedtimes fun

Bedtimes are the best way to bond, the day is at the end and you do not have much in your head to take care of. Give them lots of hugs and cuddles. Read some stories, talk about some funny life experiences. I like to use bedtimes to impart some morals or values to kids.

Bedtime fun

5. Surprise them

When possible surprise them not with an expensive gift but with your time. Maybe you find a meeting canceled and have some extra time at hand, go home early or pick the kids early from daycare and take them for ice cream. It means a lot to them.


Last Things You Need to Know about spending quality time with kids with busy life.

  1. The quality of time spent is much more than the quantity of time. So be mindful of the way you spend time with your family
  2. Take time for yourself too even though 15 min. You will not be able to be a good parent if you are not taking care of yourself. Check out 5 step system to help you relax and unwind after a busy day.
  3. Do not feel guilty about not spending time with kids. Rather, put efforts to make time, use the tips mentioned above. You are doing the best possible, be kind to yourself.

Kids grow so fast and missing the opportunity to spend time with them is the biggest regret one can ever have. But I am very sure that the tips and suggestions shared in this post will help you spend quality time with your kids. You should also check out Secrets To Spending Time With Your Partner When Busy

I would love to know which tip you found most useful? Leave them in the comments below.

Make sure to share with your friends dealing with a busy life.

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