Accelerate Your Promotion with 10 strategies for success at work

Things You Must Do To Be Successful At Work

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Are you ambitious to be successful at work and get promoted but sure of the ways to do it? I totally get you. When I first started my job, I would often feel confused about the advice shared by colleagues and seniors at work. But eventually, I made my way and would like to share the same with you.

In this post you will find:

  • Simple things that you can do to be successful at work.
  • These are not mean, corporate politics tactics.
  • Just simple things that will make you better than others and successful at work.

Tips To Be Successful At Work

When we start working we are so ambitious. We spend so much of our energy and time of day at work and want to be successful at work, isn’t it an obvious feeling? But you soon realize the way things happen at work is different and feel confused about what you need to do.

I remember back when I started working, I would think that doing a good job at work assigned to me was the best way to be a successful employee. Only to realize that it is not enough.

To add on top of it there will be co-workers doing mean, shady things to put you down to make their way. And the advice that you receive from others is trying to validate the mean work style.

I soon realized that this cannot be the only way to succeed at work. I was a happy unicorn not willing to change my color or give up on the dream.

So, after many lessons and falls, I figured out some ways to be successful at work. These may take time to show the result but are guaranteed to not let you down easily even by the mean co-workers around.

Let’s dive deep into things to do to be successful at work.

10 Things To Do For Success At Work.

how to get promoted at work

1: Respect the deadline better deliver early

  • When a work is assigned to you make sure that you plan your work in order to deliver it at the right time. 
  • Respecting the timeline at work shows that you are committed and ensure to submit work on time.
  • It will be better if you can deliver the work assigned to you on time.
  • This showcases that you are good at planning your work and taking timelines seriously.
  • And allow your seniors to build confidence in giving you essential projects.

P.S. With many things to take care of at work, it is best to use a work planner to keep you organized and productive. You may like the below Digital Work Planner.

2: Be proactive

  • Proactive by definition means creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened. 
  • So by being proactive, you need to work beforehand in anticipation of future problems, and needs.
  • Most commonly people at work come and do a set of work that is assigned to them. When you are making efforts to avoid a problem that can arrive in the future or making an improvement in anticipation of a situation that can arise in the future you are working beyond the others.
  • Being proactive will be appreciated by your seniors and they will realize you are someone to rely on for betterment and have the potential for much more. This will set you to be more successful at work.

3: Share your opinion

  • If you want to be successful at work never be afraid to share your opinions.
  • At meetings when a collaborative effort is required you should not hesitate in bringing your thoughts on the matter.
  • When you have a different perspective on the situation or the suggestion shared, always be polite and kind enough to appreciate the suggestion shared and then share your opinion.
  • The worst that can happen is that your opinion may not be accepted but there is a possibility that it may result in betterment and you will be appreciated for it.
  • Remember only confident people are the ones who speak their minds in front of others so even if your opinion is not accepted you at least come out as a confident person at work.
  • A word of caution, have good knowledge of the matter before you speak or let them know are not very sure but based on the preliminary information you have this idea. The last you want is to share wrong or misleading information.
successful at work

4: Stick to the work hours

  • Always be punctual and keep the habit of leaving work at the right time too.
  • Often we assume we need to work more to be successful but you need to work smart and effectively.
  • Plan your work well and try to improve your productivity.
  • Staying up after working hours does not demonstrate you are hard-working, in fact, it represents you are not good at managing your work.
  • Also, you need to establish a healthy work-life balance right from the start.
  • Often when you start staying up late, colleagues at work take you for granted to work extra hours.
  • You need to ensure your personal life is not affected by work.

5: Learn something new each day

  • To be successful at work you need to have expertise in your field and keep yourself updated with recent findings,  current trends, etc.
  • Also, there are many soft skills that are required for you to grow, hence learning is very important when it comes to being successful at work.
  • With a busy schedule, it is often difficult to keep up with learning. 
  • But if you spend 15 minutes daily on learning one thing over a period of time you will be I have a lot of knowledge and expertise in the field and that will make you stand apart from the others.

6: Take criticism as an opportunity

  • Office gossip can be the most unproductive thing. Also, you would not like to get your name associated with any type of rumors at work.
  • During informal times like lunch, after-work meets or at coffee, you may share across your personal life details that may intentionally or unintentionally get spread by coworkers and may affect your persona at work.
  • Always be very careful when you are having informal talks, keep your conversation professional and if required you can talk about current events or trends around the world, rather than slipping out any personal information about your life and the people close to you.
  • These may not add to your success at work but will prevent any hurdles in the path.

7: Write your accomplishments

  • Writing accomplishments on a weekly and monthly basis is a good way to reflect back and also motivate.
  • I often find the list of written accomplishments useful at important meetings being conducted at work or at performance appraisal, as these come very handy and give a quick glimpse of your achievement throughout the year and help you present yourself better with facts.

8: Work on your communication skills

  • This may sound very trivial but it is a really important soft skill to develop if you want to be successful at work.
  • You need to work on your communication skills in different ways this includes your written communication over email or formal letters and also verbal communication with colleagues.
  • As you progress more in your career you may have to co-ordinate with your team and many others.
  • You will need to have skills to communicate at various levels this includes giving good training to your colleagues at the most basic level and at times communicating with much expertise to your seniors and customers. Being able to switch on different ways of communication is really important to be successful at work.

9: Be irreplaceable

  • Indra Nooyi said in an interview “When you have a competence that nobody else has, you become more valuable.” and this statement just struck me.
  • To be successful at work you must be so good and valuable at your work that you are just irreplaceable.
  • I think people take this in a negative way of holding information and not sharing your expertise but I really feel that if you are great at your work and bring knowledge that makes you distinguished from others you will be indispensable.
  • A simple way to do this is to be of great help to your boss, the basic is that you are hired to make the job of your boss easier. If you do that and manage work great you will be irreplaceable.

10: Build habits that bring success

  • Jim Ron said, “Motivation gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going”.
  • Success at work is not a small thing and certainly not achieved in a small amount of time, you will need to be consistent with the effort and show perseverance to achieve it.
  • Hence it is very important to build the right habits that will lead you to success so that when you lose the motivation you will still have habits driving you towards success even without you realising it.
  • There are many great habits to start, just pick one of them and master them, You can find some useful habits to start with in this post- 10 habits to be successful at work.
sky rocket performance at work


  • Congratulations! Now that you know these 10 things to be successful at work you are one step closer to the success at work you are looking for.
  • Know that becoming successful at work is a long way to go. The things that are shared in this post will make you more deserving and build your image around the workplace of a promising employee.
  • These have helped me big time and will definitely bring success at work for you too.

Make sure to follow me on Pinterest for all the latest tips, tricks, and hacks on work management, work-life balance, and productivity.

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